As a user I can run PostgreSQL in passbolt-ce-non-root container

Hi @martingregorik ,

Yes, the passbolt docker-image could contain the php-pgsql package to be able to connect to postgresql backend.

In the maintime, you can build your own passbolt image with php-pgsql included (to be added in Dockerfile.rootless):

# Clone of the passbolt_docker repository
git clone
# Go to the passbolt_docker repository
cd passbolt_docker

# Build time !

# latest-ce-non-root-multiarch
docker build --build-arg PASSBOLT_REPO_URL= --build-arg PASSBOLT_PKG=passbolt-ce-server --build-arg PASSBOLT_FLAVOUR=ce --build-arg PASSBOLT_COMPONENT=stable -t passbolt/passbolt:latest-ce-non-root -f debian/Dockerfile.rootless .

Pull requests are welcome!