As an administrator I can create Users in bulk using CSV

Q1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
As an admin, I need to bulk add users.

Q2 - Who is impacted?
Anyone who manages more than one user.

Q3 - Why is it important and/or urgent?
I have 85 people in my company, and continue to grow. Adding new users one at a time is cumbersome.

Q4 - What is your proposed solution? (optional)
Enable bulk creation of new users through a CSV upload

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  • :ok_woman: Must have: this is critical for me to have this
  • :raising_hand_woman: Should have: this is important for me to have this
  • :tipping_hand_woman: Could have: this could be nice to have
  • :no_good_woman: Won’t have: we should not schedule this (explain why)

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Temporary workaround: it is possible to add users using the command line interface (which you can use to build a shell script to bulk import).

./bin/cake passbolt register_user -u user@email.tld -f firtsname -l lastname [-r admin]

Marked as duplicate of As an administrator I can create Users in bulk using CSV