Installations steps on rhel7, httpd2, php7, mysql

I am looking forward for step by step guide on Passbolt installtion on RHEL7.
I am working on a restricted system without access to external system.
Please help.

Hi @sujeeth62 you are going to want to read the “Installation from Source” section in the Help link.

Hi @garrett, I am getting below error after installing using steps provided in “Installation from Source”

Exception: If config is null, key must be an array. in [C:\composer\upgrade\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Core\StaticConfigTrait.php, line 79]

Please let me know how to resolve the same.

Can you provide the command you were executing, or the step you were on?

It is happening while installing passbolt using cakephp

[root@fraitdbox00736 passbolt]# sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt install" apache
PHP Warning:  mb_internal_encoding(): Unknown encoding "" in /var/www/html/passbolt/config/bootstrap.php on line 96
Exception: If config is null, key must be an array. in [/var/www/html/passbolt/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Core/StaticConfigTrait.php, line 78]
[root@fraitdbox00736 passbolt]# sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt healthcheck" apache
PHP Warning:  mb_internal_encoding(): Unknown encoding "" in /var/www/html/passbolt/config/bootstrap.php on line 96
Exception: If config is null, key must be an array. in [/var/www/html/passbolt/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Core/StaticConfigTrait.php, line 78]
[root@fraitdbox00736 passbolt]#

passbolt.default.php needs to be copied to passbolt.php and there is a demo/example of config settings. I think it’s complaining of no array.

You want me to share the same ? I see everything is good. I have used the master from git.

@sujeeth62 it appears that your app.default.php file (sorry, not your passbolt.php file) has encoding set to “”. It cannot be empty.

Thanks. Issue is resolved now.

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