Hey @diego,
Thanks for the fast answer. I changed the things you mentioned. Now the site looks good. But after I created an admin account and set my password I can’t login. It says "loading, please wait… "
Firefox dev-tool is printing:
https-://myURL/js/app/steal.production.js 404 not Found
/passbolt is missing again. The links like Home and Login still pointing to https-://myUrl
Error loading this URL: Could not load the source for blob:https://myUrl/8a7d3213-1dad-4a4e-9d66-abdf32114f6c.
Error: Failed to fetch blob:https://myUrl/8b7d3213-1dad-4a4e-9d66-abdf51234g6c. Code 2152857618.
Do you have an other idea?