The operation failed with The following error: Could not verify the server key. Server internal error. Check with your administrator

Hi @chyff

Your passbolt version is too old, and you should consider to upgrade for security reasons.

You are running an API v2.x with the latest browser extension, this is an expected regression. The home page of the application has evolved and the legacy API v2.x home page doesn’t display the link to recover your account anymore.

You can go to https://your.passbolt.url/users/recover and request a recovery token. You will then receive an email with a link to follow to initiate your account recovery.

But the recommended way is to upgrade your current passbolt instance.

Basically, as you come from 2.13, you only need a dump of your database. New OpenPGP will be created with the new docker setup.

To perform a backup of your database (replace your-database-container with your database container name and /path/to/backup.sql with the path on your server where you want to store the backup):

docker exec -i your-database-container bash -c \
> /path/to/backup.sql

open your backup.sql file and check it contains your data, many users made typos and create empty backup files

Follow the procedure to setup a new passbolt with docker-compose: Passbolt Help | Docker install

This step is just to validate you are able to configure a new passbolt instance with docker-compose. Once validated, shut down it and purge database volume with this command (don’t forget the -v argument): docker-compose down -v

You are now ready to restore your database backup. Move your database backup on the same level than your docker-compose.yml file. Edit your docker-compose.yml file and add this volume configuration for your db service, under database_volume:/var/lib/mysql, I assume your database backup is named backup.sql

- database_volume:/var/lib/mysql
- ./backup.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/backup.sql

Save your docker-compose.yml file and recreate your containers with docker-compose up -d command.

You can check logs with this command: docker-compose logs -f

You should see these steps:

  • Import of your database backup in the db container
  • Once the db container ready, the passbolt container will start
    • New OpenPGP server keys will be created
    • Your 2.13 database will be upgraded to 3.5.0


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