As a logged in user I should be able to add urls longer than 255 characters

As a logged in user I can add urls longer than 255 characters

Q1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
You can’t bind url’s longer than 255 characters to password.

Q2 - Who is impacted?
Everyone using websites with long urls.

Q3 - Why is it important and/or urgent?
We are reliant on services requiring longer urls and saving those to description field is fine for now, but when browser plugin becomes capable of autofill this wont be enough.

Q4 - What is your proposed solution? (optional)
Increase limit to 2048 characters, safe maximum working on all modern browsers.

Q5. Community support
People can vote for this idea to show traction:

  • :ok_woman: Must have: this is critical for me to have this
  • :raising_hand_woman: Should have: this is important for me to have this
  • :tipping_hand_woman: Could have: this could be nice to have
  • :no_good_woman: Won’t have: we should not schedule this (explain why)

0 voters

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Update description as current limit with v2 is 255 chars.

Current limit is 1024 with v3.