Backup docker-compose

I am using Passbolt Community with docker-compose as explained here. I have some minor differences in the passbolt docker image to get some specific behaviour such as changing the texts of the emails that the passbolt sends. Now, I want to backup passbolt in case anything happens. I was reading this tutorial that states that you need to backup the database, the configuration files and the avatars. Does the same apply in my case? If I don’t care about losing the avatars (profile pictures) can I only back up the database in the mariadb docker?

Hi @apalomer since version 3.2 you don’t need to backup the avatar anymore, a copy is stored in the DB and it will be created on file if it’s not found. For the rest you are correct, you need to keep a copy of the server private key, the database, configuration file (if you don’t use environment variables), customization if any and that’s it.

Hi @remy! Where is the private key? I have my own copy (in a private docker repo) of the passbolt docker where I changed some things. Isn’t the key within the docker or is it saved in the permanent volumes? My passbolt docker has to volumes: one pointing to /var/www/passbolt/config/gpg and the other one pointing to /var/www/passbolt/webroot/img/public. The rest is already backed up with the SQL backup that I already do and the environment as well as the docker-compse.yml for the docker I have it in a code repository.

It should be in /var/www/passbolt/config/gpg

Is it possible that I don’t remember generating such a key? I essentially followed the docker-compse explanation in this installation guide.

By default a key will be generated if you don’t provide one.