Could not enroll user on Android app

I have read intro post: https:// About the Installation Issues category
I have read the tutorials, help and searched for similar issues
I provide relevant information about my server (component names and versions, etc.)
I provide a copy of my logs and healthcheck
I describe the steps I have taken to trouble shoot the problem
I describe the steps on how to reproduce the issue

Dear Community,

This is my 2nd post :blush: Again, very happy to join !

I was very happy to discover the mobile app but very sad when I failed to log in with the passphrase :

  • the install of the app went well
  • the scanning of the qr codes when also well
  • I arrived on the login page. The informations of the user are correct : username ok, email ok, url ok.
  • I entered the passphrase which I am sure is the correct one and I got :
    “Incorrect passphrase or encryption error.
    Please try again”

The logs on the smartphone show the following error :

go.Universe$proxyerror: gopenpgp: unable to encrypt message: gopenpgp: error in encrypting asymmetrically: openpgp: invalid argument: cannot encrypt a message to key id 0123456789abcdef because it has no encryption keys

Below is the complete log (I’ve obfuscated some infos and added a space between https:// and to comply to the 2 links limit policy for new users) :

Device: samsung SM-G991B
Android 12 (31)
Passbolt 1.8.0-10

15:59:11 → PUT https:// http/1.1 (41-byte body)
15:59:11 ← 200 OK https:// (336ms, 747-byte body)
15:59:12 → PUT https:// http/1.1 (41-byte body)
15:59:12 ← 200 OK https:// (308ms, 747-byte body)
15:59:12 → PUT https:// http/1.1 (41-byte body)
15:59:12 ← 200 OK https:// (190ms, 747-byte body)
15:59:13 → PUT https:// http/1.1 (41-byte body)
15:59:14 ← 200 OK https:// (478ms, 747-byte body)
15:59:14 Saving private key.
15:59:14 → PUT https:// http/1.1 (38-byte body)
15:59:14 ← 200 OK https:// (311ms, 1394-byte body)
15:59:17 Checking biometry state
15:59:17 → GET https:// http/1.1
15:59:17 ← 200 OK https:// (17ms, 2921-byte body)
15:59:26 Getting server pgp and rsa keys
15:59:26 → GET https:// http/1.1
15:59:26 ← HTTP FAILED: unexpected end of stream on https://…
15:59:26 → GET https:// http/1.1
15:59:27 ← 200 OK https:// (826ms, 2820-byte body)
15:59:27 → GET https:// http/1.1
15:59:28 ← 200 OK https:// (362ms, 1079-byte body)
15:59:28 Getting server pgp and rsa keys succeeded
15:59:28 Verifying server fingerprint
15:59:28 Server key fingerprint is valid
15:59:28 Preparing sign in challenge
15:59:28 There was an error during encryptSignMessageArmored
go.Universe$proxyerror: gopenpgp: unable to encrypt message: gopenpgp: error in encrypting asymmetrically: openpgp: invalid argument: cannot encrypt a message to key id 0123456789abcdef because it has no encryption keys
at com.proton.Gopenpgp.helper.Helper.encryptSignMessageArmored(Native Method)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(SourceFile:571)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(SourceFile:750)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(SourceFile:678)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$

go.Universe$proxyerror: gopenpgp: unable to encrypt message: gopenpgp: error in encrypting asymmetrically: openpgp: invalid argument: cannot encrypt a message to key id 0123456789abcdef because it has no encryption keys
at com.proton.Gopenpgp.helper.Helper.encryptSignMessageArmored(Native Method)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(SourceFile:571)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(SourceFile:750)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(SourceFile:678)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
15:59:28 Error during challenge preparation gopenpgp: unable to encrypt message: gopenpgp: error in encrypting asymmetrically: openpgp: invalid argument: cannot encrypt a message to key id 0123456789abcdef because it has no encryption keys
at$encryptSignMessageArmored$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:16)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:33)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at gopenpgp: unable to encrypt message: gopenpgp: error in encrypting asymmetrically: openpgp: invalid argument: cannot encrypt a message to key id 0123456789abcdef because it has no encryption keys
at$encryptSignMessageArmored$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:16)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:33)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
15:59:28 Error during preparing challenge - incorrect passphrase

The 0123456789abcdef key corresponds to the server key :

$ gpg --list-keys
pub rsa3072 2019-09-28 [SC]
uid [ ultime ] Passbolt server
sub rsa3072 2019-09-28 [E]

Here’s the healthcheck :

$ sudo -H -u www-data bash -c “/var/www/passbolt/bin/cake passbolt healthcheck”

 ____                  __          ____  
/ __ \____  _____ ____/ /_  ____  / / /_ 

/ // / __ `/ / / __ / __ / / _/
/ / // ( |
) /
/ / /
/ / / /
/ _

Open source password manager for teams
Healthcheck shell


[PASS] PHP version 7.4.3.
[PASS] PCRE compiled with unicode support.
[PASS] The temporary directory and its content are writable and not executable.
[PASS] The logs directory and its content are writable.
[PASS] GD or Imagick extension is installed.
[PASS] Intl extension is installed.
[PASS] Mbstring extension is installed.

Config files

[PASS] The application config file is present
[PASS] The passbolt config file is present

Core config

[PASS] Debug mode is off.
[PASS] Cache is working.
[PASS] Unique value set for security.salt
[PASS] Full base url is set to https://
[PASS] App.fullBaseUrl validation OK.
[PASS] /healthcheck/status is reachable.

SSL Certificate

[PASS] SSL peer certificate validates
[PASS] Hostname is matching in SSL certificate.
[PASS] Not using a self-signed certificate


[PASS] The application is able to connect to the database
[PASS] 26 tables found
[PASS] Some default content is present
[PASS] The database schema up to date.

GPG Configuration

[PASS] PHP GPG Module is installed and loaded.
[PASS] The environment variable GNUPGHOME is set to /home/www-data/.gnupg.
[PASS] The directory /home/www-data/.gnupg containing the keyring is writable by the webserver user.
[PASS] The server OpenPGP key is not the default one
[PASS] The public key file is defined in config/passbolt.php and readable.
[PASS] The private key file is defined in config/passbolt.php and readable.
[PASS] The server key fingerprint matches the one defined in config/passbolt.php.
[PASS] The server public key defined in the config/passbolt.php (or environment variables) is in the keyring.
[PASS] There is a valid email id defined for the server key.
[PASS] The public key can be used to encrypt a message.
[PASS] The private key can be used to sign a message.
[PASS] The public and private keys can be used to encrypt and sign a message.
[PASS] The private key can be used to decrypt a message.
[PASS] The private key can be used to decrypt and verify a message.
[PASS] The public key can be used to verify a signature.
[PASS] The server public key format is Gopengpg compatible.
[PASS] The server private key format is Gopengpg compatible.

Application configuration

[PASS] Using latest passbolt version (3.6.0).
[PASS] Passbolt is configured to force SSL use.
[PASS] App.fullBaseUrl is set to HTTPS.
[PASS] Selenium API endpoints are disabled.
[PASS] Search engine robots are told not to index content.
[PASS] Registration is closed, only administrators can add users.
[PASS] Serving the compiled version of the javascript app
[PASS] All email notifications will be sent.

JWT Authentication

[PASS] The JWT Authentication plugin is enabled
[PASS] The /var/www/passbolt/config/jwt/ directory is not writable.
[PASS] A valid JWT key pair was found

[PASS] No error found. Nice one sparky!

The passbolt.php config file includes the mobile activation part :

'passbolt' => [
    'plugins' => [
        'mobile' => [
            'enabled' => true
        'jwtAuthentication' => [
            'enabled' => true

And the apache server includes the following rules :

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME}
RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.)
RewriteRule .

Would you have any hints on the direction where I should look at ?
I am really eager to be able to enjoy passbolt on my smartphone.

Thanks a lot !


Thanks to @garrett advices in another thread, I figured the keys in the files used by the server were expired :

root@server:~# gpg --list-packets /var/www/passbolt/config/gpg/serverkey.asc
# off=0 ctb=99 tag=6 hlen=3 plen=397
:public key packet:
version 4, algo 1, created 1569702234, expires 0
pkey[0]: [3072 bits]
pkey[1]: [17 bits]
keyid: xx
# off=400 ctb=b4 tag=13 hlen=2 plen=21
:user ID packet: xx
# off=423 ctb=89 tag=2 hlen=3 plen=468
:signature packet: algo 1, keyid xx
version 4, created 1569702234, md5len 0, sigclass 0x13
digest algo 10, begin of digest 74 b0
hashed subpkt 33 len 21 (issuer fpr v4 xx)
hashed subpkt 2 len 4 (sig created 2019-09-28)
hashed subpkt 27 len 1 (key flags: 03)
hashed subpkt 9 len 4 (key expires after 2y0d0h0m)
hashed subpkt 11 len 4 (pref-sym-algos: 9 8 7 2)
hashed subpkt 21 len 5 (pref-hash-algos: 10 9 8 11 2)
hashed subpkt 22 len 3 (pref-zip-algos: 2 3 1)
hashed subpkt 30 len 1 (features: 01)
hashed subpkt 23 len 1 (keyserver preferences: 80)
subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID xx)
data: [3072 bits]
# off=894 ctb=b9 tag=14 hlen=3 plen=397
:public sub key packet:
version 4, algo 1, created 1569702234, expires 0
pkey[0]: [3072 bits]
pkey[1]: [17 bits]
keyid: xx
# off=1294 ctb=89 tag=2 hlen=3 plen=444
:signature packet: algo 1, keyid xx
version 4, created 1569702234, md5len 0, sigclass 0x18
digest algo 10, begin of digest ca e4
hashed subpkt 33 len 21 (issuer fpr v4 xx)
hashed subpkt 2 len 4 (sig created 2019-09-28)
hashed subpkt 27 len 1 (key flags: 0C)
hashed subpkt 9 len 4 (key expires after 2y0d0h0m)
subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID 1DAEC1CA17F6EC88)
data: [3072 bits]

I re-exported them from the www-data user keyring (since there is no expiration date in there) :

sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "gpg --export --armor --output /var/www/passbolt/config/gpg/serverkey.asc <keyid>"
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "gpg --export-secret-key --armor --output /var/www/passbolt/config/gpg/serverkey_private.asc <keyid>"

The first time I returned to the web page of Passbolt, I got a notice :

Sorry, the server key has changed.

For security reasons please check with your administrator that this is a change that they initiated. The new fingerprint:

Since I know I’ve just changed it, it is safe to confirm and accept the new key.
Btw, the server key should be the same as before, so there is nothing to change in passbolt.php

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