Database Configuration

Hi all,

I’ve been working on setting up Passbolt on my local Ubuntu server. I’ve been pretty successful and believe I am very close. I’m struggling to get past the database configuration. As I am unfamiliar with this process I have posted what may help, but please let me know if there’s any more I can provide.

I am running into the “A connection could not be established with the credentials provided. Please verify the settings.” error.

Thanks and much appreciated,


Hello @jack_degug,

Are you able to connect to your database via the terminal ?
mysql -u m5 -p m5

If you can connect via your terminal, can you confirm me that your database password does not contain a single quote (see bug)


Thanks for the response. The command returns “ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘m5’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)”

Would this mean my password is incorrect. Thanks again.



It can be because of a wrong password, but it could come from something else (see: Fixing MySQL 1045 Error: Access Denied). If you remember your mysql root user password you can try connect to your mysql and reset the m5 user password.

Did you use the install script provided by passbolt?

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