Debian 11 clean install v3.5.0 but stuck on new user window

First of all, the most important information: I was finally able to install passbolt on my server.

Export a virtual machine to another machine with Hyper-V (my laptop). Then install and configure passbolt. With everything working, export the VM from my laptop back to the server.

What is causing the problem (my guess)
I have an i5-4570T CPU on the server and probably using Hyper-V and this CPU together won’t allow me to complete the installation properly. It may be too weak or there are no instructions to process the installation scripts. This is just my guess, because after installing passbolt dozens of times, I have no idea what causes the error during installation.

What have I tried

  • kernel replacement to 5.16 (instead of the 504 code I got 500)
  • installation based on domain / IP address (no difference)
  • installation using SSL / no SSL (no difference)
  • Ubuntu (regular installation and use of a ready-made Hyper-V package)
  • Oracle Linux, CentOS - changing the operating system did not help
  • Installing a desktop environment on the server and using a web browser (firefox) to install passbolt from “inside” to rule out network problems
  • increasing RAM and vCPU’s
  • installation based on the ISP modem (public IP) / my router (checking if the problem is due to ISP network limitations). I had no network problems on my laptop (correct installation using a modem and router)
  • changing nginx parameters (connection_timeout)
  • changing web browser parameters (connection_timeout)
  • changes directly on the database (activating the user, downloading a token, trying to generate a certificate)

The problem with the installation of passbolt appeared when I entered the administrator details (name, surname, email) and clicked the “install” button. With the browser’s devtools turned on (F12 key) I saw that the file do_install.js receives the 504 code. After refreshing the page (F5), I only saw the new user registration window. Passbolt did not ask for an administrator password, nor did it allow me to download certificates - I did not have an administrator account created. A window for new users was displayed.

Thanks to everyone for your help and I hope someone will benefit from my experience.

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