Enabling the gnupg extension


For blank page problems, you should have a look at /var/log/nginx error logs files. If you got nothing relevant, you should enable the Passbolt extension debug log as explained here.

Then, reproduce your error and please send me a .har file as explained here.


For blank page problems, you should have a look at /var/log/nginx
error logs files. If you got nothing relevant, you should enable the
Passbolt extension debug log as explained here.
Then, reproduce your error and please send me a .har file as
explained here.

Here’s the .har file contents:

I apparently did something wrong when trying to include the .har file,
so let me try it again a different way.


(Attachment passbolt.koalatyworks.com_Archive [21-10-25 17-25-27].har is missing)

Well, that didn’t work. Is there a way to attach a .har file to a post? I’m all at sea here.


It seems you can attach only images. As you own a server for Passbolt hosting, maybe can you put the .har file on it and share the link here ?


Okay, let’s try this:


To be honest, there is nothing relevant in the .har file. I think there should be errors displayed in your nginx logs, or in /var/log/passbolt, or both.
But there is so many things outside the standard process on your server (both php 8.0 / 7.4, I guess you are hosting other applications too, ). If I were you, I should restart a standard installation from scratch, on a fresh server without anything else on it.

If you need to migrate data to another server, you can follow this documentation: Passbolt Help | Migrate an existing Passbolt CE to a new Ubuntu server


I am hosting other applications, but all of them use PHP 8.0; my old Passbolt service was the only one still using 7.4. That’s part of why I wanted to update Passbolt. I’ve tried purging PHP7.4 but apt tells me it’s already gone. Obviously I need to spend some time deleting cruft from my server, but I don’t think that’s the issue here.