How to check the subscription validity on Passbolt Pro

Dear Community,

Do you know how to check the subscription validity on Passbolt Pro installed on Ubuntu Linux?

Thank you.

To check if the subscription key is valid:

$ ./bin/cake passbolt license_check

Thanks for the reply remy. I meant can we check the date of expiration of the Passbolt Pro subscription?

But, even that command did not work for me.

hello @Moumouh,

Can you run the following:

cat config/default.php | grep edition


cat config/version.php | grep version


It seems you have installed the Community Edition not the Pro version.
You can either upgrade or reinstall if it’s a fresh install:

@Moumouh feel free to reach out to support: if you run into any issues.

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oh wow. thank you so much remy.

Just last question. There is a way to check the date of expiration of subscription of Passbolt Pro or no?

I really appreciate your help.

@Moumouh yes you can check the validity (user seats, time, etc.) by running the command above.

Okay @remy, thank you so much.

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