I have installed passbolt aws ami and i have configured free ssl my certificate ,it will beexpiring on nov 15 how can i renew the certificate please share me the commands ,I want to set auto renewal !!
I have installed passbolt aws ami and i have configured free ssl my certificate ,it will beexpiring on nov 15 how can i renew the certificate please share me the commands ,I want to set auto renewal !!
Hey @nabeel ,
Did you have a look at: Passbolt Help | HTTPS ?
yup… but I cant see renewal procedure there!
Basically you generate/import on the machine the new cert, then you do a
sudo dpkg-reconfigure passbolt-ce-server
answer NO for the database
answer YES for the nginx
and precise the path for cert and key
I have already generated.it will expire on Nov 15,i want auto renewal!!
Passbolt relies on certbot package to manage renewal of certificates.
Today is september, 7th, and your certificates expures on november, 15th. It is too early for certbot and letsencrypt to renew. Certs are usually renewed one month before the expiration date.
You can check certbot logs on /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
There is also a systemd service you can monitor:
journalctl -u certbot.service
Please ensure port 80 is open, certbot needs this port to be opened.
Last point, if you configured both ipv6 and ipv4 on your passbolt domain name, letsencrypt will choose ipv6.
Hope this helps,