How to update Passbolt CE Docker

I am new in the Docker world and got the server with the Passbolt installation transferred from my colleague. Now we are still at v2.1 and I would like to update to the latest version of Passbolt. Is there a manual or faq article for this regarding Docker?

I already managed to create a MySQL dump and export the server certificate + private key.

Thank you very much,

Hi @tobi,

Upgrading passbolt using docker is as easy as running the new version of the docker container.

The container runs all database migrations on boot. You just need to make sure you are mounting the serverkeys and any other directory you want to persist (i.e. images directory).

Are you using docker-compose to run passbolt?
If that is the case there is another thread on this forum about upgrading passbolt using docker and docker-compose. Keep in mind the community thread I just mentioned is to upgrade passbolt PRO edition so the docker-compose.yml file might not be exactly the same as yours.

Hey @diego,

Thank you for your fast response.

As far as i can see my colleague used “docker run --name passbolt --net passbolt_network -e DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_HOST= …” to start the docker container.

How can i mount the mentioned files on boot?

Could you provide the whole command without any sensitive data?

docker run --name passbolt --net passbolt_network -e DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_HOST=mysql_passbolt -e DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=XXXX-e DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_USERNAME=passbolt -e DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_DATABASE=passbolt -e APP_FULL_BASE_URL=https://passbolt.XXXX.local:5081 -P -p 5081:443 -p 5080:80 passbolt/passbolt:latest

Seems like you are using the latest tag.

You could just docker pull passbolt/passbolt:latest to download the lates passbolt CE image. Once this is done you should be able, restarting the process you posted to migrate to the 2.7.1 Keep in mind that it is also important to persist the serverkeys. Otherwise a new serverkey will be generated on container startup and your users won’t be able to log in.

Let us know if this helps you.


  • Using latest tag is discouraged, better to use specific versions like passbolt/passbolt:2.7.1 to increase your control on the version running.
  • If you are running the containers standalone (executing each docker run command for mysql and passbolt) I would sugges to take a look on using docker-compose. We provide a composer file to ease the usage:

How can I add the server keys again afterwards?
I have saved the following keys from the running container:

  • serverkey.asc
  • serverkey_private.asc

You can use mount: to mount files from host on the container

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