Internal error has occurred when logging in

From the other post:

  • Edit the public gpg key in the database, make sure you update the modification date so that other users can get the new one
  • Remove the old key from the gpg keyring and Import the new key in the server gpg keyring (or alternatively if it doesn’t work you can create a new keyring, import the server key and let the application import the keys for the users as needed).
  • Do an account recovery.

To edit the key in the database you need to edit the row for your user in the database. You can see which row belong to you:

select id,fingerprint 
   from gpgkeys
   where user_id IN (
     select id from users where username=''

The update query would look like:

UPDATE gpgkeys
SET armored_key='-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
        modified='2018-03-27 12:30:00'
WHERE user_id IN (
   select id from users where username=''

Where you need to replace your username and keys obviously.

Make sure you remove the old user key from the keyring, as the expired key will still be there.

Have followed instructions.

Created new GPG keyring and only imported server keys
Removed Plugin and performed recovery
Updated GPG in DB

Still receving the same error

Can you try to see if encryption with this user key + signing using the server key works using gpg directly? (using www-data user/ keyring)

Can you elaborate more on that please?

I meant try to encrypt something for this user and sign with the server key using gnugp on the server:

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r name_of_test_file" www-data

Something like that

Hi @remy,

So I’ve done the whole process again.

  1. Created new GPG keyring
  2. Confirmed only Server Key is in keyring
  3. Updated Public Key in SQL database
  4. Removed Passbolt plugin
  5. Performed account recovery
  6. Still receiving unknown error

As per your question. I was able to create a text file, encrypt the file, and then decrypt the file using said keys.

Woohoo! Fixed it! There was a subkey that had expired that was used for encryption.

Unfortunately on Windows it’s not easily seen, and needed to be done on my Linux desktop.

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Good job! Thanks for sharing the solution.

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