Login issue. Invalid UserControl username

I have this local passbolt server that work fine until this morning.
now when every user want to login the following error appear.

Something went wrong, the sign in failed with the following error:

Invalid UserControl username.

could you help me troubleshoot this error?

Hi there! Did you find a solution? Just had this issue right now. Out of the blue.

Hello @yaser and @German really sorry for the delay.

It’s an interesting error, do you have any errors in the passbolt error logs? /var/log/passbolt/error.log

Also, after censoring any sensitive data, can you share the status report?

When this started to happen?

Hi there!
We’ve now been able to resolve the issue. At first by disabling the mailserver checks.
In the end it was a problem with the named service, that wasn’t able to resolve an domains.
That was a bit scary. Everyone was locked out of Passbolt.
Thanks for being in touch so quickly now!
Thanks for your work!

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