New Release: v4.0.0

v4.0.0 ~ Get Up, Stand Up

Release date: May 17th 2023.

:musical_note: Get Up, Stand Up :musical_note:

:heart: Thank you to all the Passbolt developers for keeping our passwords safe :partying_face: :tada::heart: :

Attention: This update brings some major changes, please make sure you check the platform requirements, and do a test upgrade, before you update your live systems to the new version! This update includes some significant enhancements to the platform’s functionality and overall user experience.

Passbolt now requires a minimum of PHP 7.4 to run, but also supports PHP 8.2, which means faster performance and more security. The browser extension is also getting a bit of love with some much needed maintenance to Manifest v3 and it requires at least a Passbolt API v3 to run.

Version 4.0.0 mainly focuses on platform compatibility and accessibility improvements to ensure an inclusive experience for all users across all versions. Alongside these updates, v4 includes numerous bug fixes and security enhancements to further improve system reliability. It’s recommended that all users update to this latest version to get the most out of Passbolt and benefit from the upcoming new features.

Passbolt appreciates your continued support and feedback as they strive to provide an exceptional user experience. Reach out here on our amazing Community Forum if you encounter some issues with this new release.

:memo: Release Notes: Pro
:memo: Release Notes: CE

:new: Passbolt Pro now supports Google as a SSO provider integration.
:new: Passbolt Pro LDAP file configuration format has changed due to a LDAP library migration.
:new: Please check your version’s release notes for more details

:hammer_and_wrench: PB-23321 Upgraded CakePHP to 4.4
:hammer_and_wrench: Please check your version’s release notes for more details

:heart: If you enjoy Passbolt’s features and security, please show your support, write a review on the app, extension and webstore :star::star::star::star::star: (chrome , firefox , edge , ios , android )

:heart: We welcome your feedback and invite you to show your support by adding a :star: on our GitHub API repo: GitHub - passbolt/passbolt_api: Passbolt CE Backend, a JSON API written with Cakephp .


Good morning, glad to read about the new version!
I would like to know when will be available to whose installed from the source code, because I tried to update and the repo said I’m up to date, showing the last version tagged as v3.12.2

Good catch, it should be available now.

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Thank you! Now my server is working on the latest version and ready to try Google SSO and TOTP (what I have to see how to activate yet)

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