New Release: v4.10.0 ~ Baianá

v4.10.0 ~ Baianá

Release date: November 4th, 2024

:musical_note: Baianá :musical_note:

Passbolt v4.10.0 is here, paving the way for version 5. This maintenance release addresses community-reported issues and sets the stage for v5 version with beta support for v5 resource types format in the current interface. This update is a significant step for those maintaining integrations or building custom client applications—giving you a head start on v5.

While existing resource types remain supported until version 6, the new content types expand functionality that will empower teams to manage a broader range of credentials more effectively.

Stay tuned for an in-depth blog post on enabling v5 support and getting a head start with early testing! :globe_with_meridians:

Changelog Version Notes: ( Baianá )

:person_tipping_hand: Passbolt Help Installation, Updating, Backup, Trouble Shooting, Upgrading & More

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I can’t wait until v5! Can I get an alpha or beta to test? :rofl:

I like the release song!



Any timeline on the updated dockerhub images for 4.10.0?

The iOS App is not working after we applied the update! There is already a topic for that:

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Hey @masterlan, thanks for raising it up. We are looking into it.

Hey @masterlan, here’s the fix you can use:

Thanks again for bringing it to our attention.