Passbolt Android app ssl not working

Hello @garrett,

the common name for my cert of my passbolt instance is and the common name for my CA-Root cert also included in the same file is some random webpage of mine.

But would this post really resolve my problem? I have to get the SSL to be trusted on my whole phone in order for it to work and as I already installed my own Root-CA cert on my phone it should be working already.

I’ve read on this post that the mobile app only uses the port 443 but I use the port 8080 on my instance. So maybe this is the cause the app can’t connect when scanning the QR code and the SSL is already being trusted by Android just like it is on my desktop Firefox after having imported my Root-CA cert.

This would mean the page only isn’t trusted on my mobile Firefox and Chrome because they have got some extra rules that for security measures and differently from Firefox desktop don’t let self created CAs through even though I trusted them in my Android OS. As you suggest this seems to also be the case for Chromium on Desktop (Chrome and Edge use it as their underlying engine).