Permanently delete user

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  • User A was created
  • User A was deleted
  • User A was created

User A comes from LDAP.

The users table now has two entries for this user: the actual one (deleted=0), and a soft-deleted one (deleted=1).

When running the LDAP sync, Passbolt says:

The previously deleted user … was not re-added to passbolt. says:

This error happens when a passbolt user was deleted manually in passbolt but not in the directory. Passbolt then considers that the actions performed in passbolt have a higher priority and that the user was deleted for a good reason. When this situation happens, if you absolutely want to sync back this user, the solution is to re-create the user in passbolt and run the synchronization again.

But the non-deleted user does already exist in Passbolt!

  1. It looks like the LDAP sync doesn’t ignore deleted users. This should probably be fixed.
  2. For now: how do I permanently delete the deleted user?