Profile badge is not displaying correctly (showing ... instead of email/ name) after v3 update

Some users have reported issues with regards to the user badge or user workspace after the browser extension update to v3. This is a post to explain how to solve the issue in case this is hapening to you too.

Why is it happening?
The new version of the extension is stricter with the validation of the data returned by the API, to provide security in depth. That’s why you’re seeing this issue, basically the extension cannot validate the data, because data is not clean.

How can I solve this issue?
If you are the administrator of the server, login on your server and go to your passbolt directory and run the following:

sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt cleanup"

This should fix any relational / integrity issues you may have introduced by editing manually the data in SQL.

Ref. Profile badge is not displaying correctly (showing ... instead of email/ name) [SOLVED] · Issue #113 · passbolt/passbolt_browser_extension · GitHub

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