Hi, I just discovered your awesome password-manager. Thanks for this great tool!
I would like to contribute to a Portuguese Brazilian translation. Is it possible to add it to Crowdin translations?
Best regards,
Hi, I just discovered your awesome password-manager. Thanks for this great tool!
I would like to contribute to a Portuguese Brazilian translation. Is it possible to add it to Crowdin translations?
Best regards,
Hi @justinbernard,
Welcome to the Passbolt community forum and thanks for your help on the Portuguese Brazilian translation
We added it in Crowdin and don’t hesitate to get in touch in any case
With regards,
Hello @justinbernard and @AnatomicJC!
I can help too to translate to Brazilian Portuguese.
Giuseppe Paolo Fontana Padilha
Great @giuseppepaolo , thanks for your help
A kind reminder, if any:
Best regards,