Share your most awaited feature!

:tada: Calling all community members!! :tada:

We know how exciting it can be as one gears up for a feature release.

Here’s your chance to join in on the fun! Features will always be one of the hot topics in the community forum and we wouldn’t have it any other way. So today, we invite you to share what your most awaited feature is, the one you’re eagerly looking forward to. And it could be functionality, improvements or a complete new addition to our existing lineup. :fire:

We’ll help kick things off! We’re delighted to announce that the RBAC (role-based access control) feature is launching soon. Are you as excited about this feature as we are? :nerd_face:

Now, it’s your turn! We’re happy to hear which feature you look forward to. Feel free to provide any additional context and details to help us better understand. :woman_scientist:

:heart: Thank you for your participation :heart:


We’re excited about the upcoming release of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). What passbolt feature are you most excited about?


Would love to have a permission lower than read that allows a user to see that a folder/password exists, but not to be able to view the password/contents of the folder itself. This has been requested by several people across my organisation :slight_smile:

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TOTP was first on my list but now Passbolt has a working alpha version :smile:

So now my most wanted improvement is icons in the grid.

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I’m with Duffman, I would love to have platform icons such as some videos you published.
They look so good!
Here an example:


since TOTP is on its way, the one i think we should have is public share, share specific record with a non user, privately.

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This is another expected feature of the company I work for.
Also, I’m going to add sharing passwords with users in a different Passbolt instance

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@kevin :mute:

@Duffman yes @kevin can’t stop talking about it


The difficult part here is the security, since the user is not in passbolt, there is no key associated to this user, so that’s mean that either we will have to do a symmetric share, either we will generate a ephemeral key for this share but we will have somehow to transmit securely that key to the user.
So yeah not for this year IMO but once the custom fields and custom content types out yeah we will definitely looks for it!

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Hey @joe ,


That will be part of the ACL feature!