SMTP Configuration o365 not working

I installed Passbolt on my host with IP address(not with a domain name).
I tried to create a user and test the smtp configuration. I realized that smtp not working.
My smtp is
I can log in with c# code and send email with this code but on passbolt it did not work.

openssl s_client -starttls smtp -crlf -connect
406725F17B7F0000:error:8000006E:system library:BIO_connect:Connection timed out:…/crypto/bio/bio_sock2.c:125:calling connect()

I can reach to the smtp server via telnet.
I already disabled MFA for this account.
I can login with this account by STMP C# code.
But in somehow it does not work.

if I change to long domain name then the result is so

“cmd”: null,
“response”: [
“code”: “220”,
“message”: “ Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Mon, 15 Apr 2024 23:27:38 +0000"
“cmd”: “EHLO”,
“response”: [
“code”: “250”,
“message”: " Hello
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “SIZE 157286400”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “PIPELINING”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “DSN”
“code”: “250”,
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “STARTTLS”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “8BITMIME”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “BINARYMIME”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “CHUNKING”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “SMTPUTF8”
“cmd”: “STARTTLS”,
“response”: [
“code”: “220”,
“message”: “2.0.0 SMTP server ready”
“cmd”: “EHLO ip”,
“response”: [
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “*** Hello "
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “SIZE 157286400”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “PIPELINING”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “DSN”
“code”: “250”,
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “8BITMIME”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “BINARYMIME”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “CHUNKING”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “SMTPUTF8”
“cmd”: "AUTH PLAIN ",
“response”: [
“code”: “504”,
“message”: "5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type [ 2024-04-15T23:27:39.095Z 08DC534F10402875]"
“cmd”: “AUTH LOGIN”,
“response”: [
“code”: “504”,
“message”: "5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type [ 2024-04-15T23:27:39.126Z 08DC534F10402875]”

Any idea?


did you check this documentation: Configure Email authentication with Office 365 | Passbolt documentation. ?


Thanks Anatomic but this is an old thema for o365 as far as I know. I checked apppassword thing that is already done our system. If no then we could not connect with c# app.