Uploading Account Kit Gives "Only passbolt format is allowed" error

Just installed Passbolt for Windows and have gotten to the part where I need to “Select a file” for the account kit. I have downloaded the account kit.

I select the file that I downloaded from my CE installation but get the error listed below.


Running Server 4.8.0 / Client 4.8.2

I have the same issue… does anyone know the fix??

Hello @MrBoingo and @Sparkee, and welcome to the forum!
Do you both have the latest version of the server? What version of the application do you have?
Are you sure you downloaded the account kit, not the recovery kit or private key?

If you checked and it still doesn’t work, could you share your installation type, system versions, configuration, logs… to try to find the problem?
For me it works with server v4.8.0 and app v1.2.0.

my Windows app shows as Server 1.2.0, but i downloaded it according to Passbolt Portal
My Passbolt server is 4.8.0 and client is 4.8.2
i downloaded the windows app from the link in my server, and my account kit from the same place.

But the account kit shows error as “Only Passbolt format is allowed”

Hey @Sparkee

Concerning Server : 1.2.0 it is a known bug, it target the windows app version and it will be solved on the version 1.3.0 normally

Can provide the informations :

  • Are you using a virtual machine ?
  • The account kit extension is “.passbolt” ?

It is a virtual machine and the extension is not .passbolt. It has no extension, it’s basically a long string of letters and numbers

Running on a virtual server, running Ubuntu 22.04

This is something strange, as usually the file is called account-kit.passbolt

My downloaded kit did not have an extension, just a long number . Once i added the .passbolt extension to it, it was able to install correctly. Thank you for your help

A long string of letters and numbers looks like the content of the account kit which is quite surprising actually.

By curiosity, what browser are you using here and in which version?
If the name of the kit is not the expected one, there is maybe a simple workaround to do by rename the downloaded file to account-kit.passbolt.

I’m using Chrome. Giving the file a .passbolt extension worked. It’s an internal server so I don’t have a SSL cert on it and it seems that I need it for the app. Thanks for the assistance, guess I’m at a standstill…

Yes, the Windows App requires the server to use SSL in order to work.

Now, the way for you to use the Windows app if it’s applicable for you is to set a custom SSL certificate on your server and mark the certificate as trusted on your Windows machine.

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