Windows application developer edition v0.4.0 🚀

Hey passbolt community members,

Passbolt’s Windows Desktop Application just got a shiny new upgrade, introducing version 0.4.0! This latest version is loaded with new features and improvements. Let’s dive into what’s new and what’s coming up next.

For now, please note that this version is still in the experimental phase and intended for developer use. But don’t fret! The next version will be an Alpha release on the Windows Store, making it accessible for all users.

What’s New?

Manage Multi-Factor Authentication Through The Desktop App

Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a breeze. You can now configure MFA directly from the desktop application with Yubikey and TOTP, just like you would in the browser edition (Duo support is in the works for a future update). Please note that this feature is currently available for user-level settings only; admin-level settings are coming soon.

Authenticate with MFA in the Desktop App

Once MFA is set up using Yubikey or TOTP, you can use them for authentication within the desktop app. The experience even mirrors the web version, making the transition even smoother.

Enhanced Security With Signed Account Kits

In the previous version, users could import an account kit without any form of verification. To bolster security and safeguard against potential threats, your account kit is now signed with your private key. This ensures that the account is authenticated and it’s verified during the import process. It confirms that no changes have been made to your exported Account Kit data and verifies that it comes from a trusted source. If you want to know more about the risk analysis related to the user onboarding, checkout these specifications.

What’s Next?

In the next release, the desktop app will be released on the Windows Store as an Alpha version. It’ll offer all the essential features you need to manage passwords, but some functionalities present on other clients will be added in later updates, including:

  • Admin Workspace: Migrating admin settings is a major undertaking and requires a strong focus on security. Rest assured, it’ll be seamlessly integrated in the future.
  • Mobile Transfer: Initiating and completing transfers to mobile will still require the use of the web version at this time.
  • Uploading An Avatar: It’s a work in progress, but the limitations of UWP need to be tweaked for compatibility with the Windows Desktop App.
  • Duo Support: Duo authentication will not be available in this Alpha release of the desktop application, but it will be available in the future.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated as passbolt works to optimise the desktop app for the best user experience.

If you’re eager to get more involved, you can access the app’s repository on GitHub – everything is publicly available and the readme includes detailed information about the build process.

Any feedback is valued, so feel free to leave your comments below or start a new topic in the community forum.


Yay! Hoping to see the alpha on the Microsoft Store


It is the next step and the next goal ! Stay turned it will arrive


Hello. I’m having issues with the compilation of the application.

I’m almost there, but I’m missing a key component:

Can you help?

Hello @joseraeiro1 and welcome to the forum!

I’ve just answered to your report on GitHub. Actually the file passbolt.sln should have been removed and we missed it. The right solution file to use is passbolt-windows.sln actually.

Sorry for the confusion.

By the way! We now have the version 0.5.0 available on the Windows Store if you want to test it without going for compilation steps.


Yeah! In my way to test it



Could you please help me out to get windows desktop version

Hey @nabeel welcome to the forum!
You need to enable the plugin as described in the GitHub repository.
Then you will be able to download your account kit from your profile!