After an upgrade to 3.0.0 it doesn't load passwords (Debian 9)

Thanks, I’ll try this. Maybe you can add the data-cleanup to the starting script of the container?

We are evaluating that but, depending on the database size, the process might crash and thus breaking the startup of the container or just never finishing the startup of the container. It requires some investigation.

Ok, I’ll stick with v2 for now. I’ll return in a few weeks, when the dust has settled :wink:

Big thanks to the passbolt team!

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@diego ,
I will try with a clean installation of the passbolt to see if it’s going to work but updating from 2.13.5 to 3.0.0 for CE edition seems to not be working properly. Previous updates were executed the same way and there were no errors. This is the first time i’m facing something like that.
Many thanks for your support!

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I recommend you to use the debian or ubuntu packages instead of going from source!

Thanks for your reports!

Ok, i couldn’t resist and I tried it out. The cleanup fixed 922 issues and the v3 is up and running.It took like 3 seconds to fix all the issues.


Yay! Nice one!!!

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Not sure if this is the case but

Composer version 1.9.1 2019-11-01 17:20:17

I will try to update it and check if the passbolt will get updated properly.

Yes, composer should be v2

So far the only issue that i face is this

 file_get_contents(/var/www/passbolt_v2/vendor/thadafinser/package-info/src/PackageTemplate.tpl): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Not sure if it’s a serious problem. I’ll let you know if there are more issues on the way.

Indeed the issue was with the composer version.
Now i’m using V3.0.0 with all my passwords and stuff. Thank you for the great support!


Glad that you sorted out!
Thanks for the feedback

@max , @diego

Another workaround in order to migrate from 2.13.5 to 3.0.1 is as follows

Keep in mind that this is working only for source installation.

1. Perform a clean installation of the passbolt on a different TCP port 
2. After installing everything (as usual fresh installation) migrate the database from the old to the new one;
2.1 Also migrate config/passbolt.php & config/gpg/* to the new installation
3. Execute sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt migrate --backup"
4. Execute sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake cache clear_all"
5. Your old passbolt data is working on the new version. The only disadvantage is that each user have to export it's private_key and restore it's profile on the new instance. 

I still haven’t tested to switch the TCP ports and try to run it with the new instance. without export/import of the private key.

The above method is working.
I was able to successfully migrate from 2.13.5 to 3.0.1 with clean installation.
Hope someone will find this helpful. Keep in mind it’s only for Ubuntu 18.04 and with source installation of passbolt CE (nginx + php-fpm)
Since i’m using root after step 4 you need to perform

chown -Rh user:group passbolt

Steps that i followed while in passbolt directory (for my case /var/www/passbolt )
Step 1 can be executed on level above /var/www with

cp -r passbolt passbolt_backup

1. Taking a backup of passbolt entire directory. Taking a backup of the MySQL database in a dump .sql file.
2. removing all the files from inside (while in passbolt dir - rm -rf *)
3. downloading the files from git
4. copying config/passbolt.php and config/gpg from the backup to the new installation.
5. Performing composer install --no-dev
6. installing with sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt install" www-data
7. Deleting the entire database & restore from the dump .sql file.
8. Performing the migration sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt migrate --backup"
9. Performing a cleanup with  sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake cache clear_all"
10. Performing a health check to be sure that everything is fine with sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt healthcheck" www-data
11. Moving all the files from backed up vendor/img/public/Avatar to the new installation and changing the ownership of the entire directory with chown -Rh user:group .
12. Done. The passbolt working perfectly without even noticing the difference.