As a user generating a password automatically I should be able to change the default length and character scheme

Q1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Not all organizations and systems have the same scheme and currently the auto generate button only yield one kind of password length and format.

Q2 - Who is impacted?

Q3 - Why is it important and/or urgent?
Choosing a password pattern is often not up to the user, making passbolt flexible will support a better user experience.

Q4 - What is your proposed solution? (optional)

  • A user should be able to define the length of the password they want to generate
  • A user should be able to define the character scheme (alphnumeric only, special chars, digit only, caps, etc.)
  • As an admin I should be able to define the default password length and character scheme for my organization.


ref. As a user generating a password automatically I should be able to change the default length and character scheme · Issue #88 · passbolt/passbolt_api · GitHub

Q5. Community support
People can vote for this idea to show traction:

  • :ok_woman: Must have: this is critical for me to have this
  • :raising_hand_woman: Should have: this is important for me to have this
  • :tipping_hand_woman: Could have: this could be nice to have
  • :no_good_woman: Won’t have: we should not schedule this (explain why)
0 voters

Especially for the Business/Enterprise version this should be a mandatory feature. Is there an implementation planned for the upcomming releases this year?

@abrix yes this is planned as soon as we have finished the migration to react. Most likely Q4 2020.

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Hi @remy–is this still planned for Q4 2020 release and will it be available for CE?

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Hi @deaugur it will be available in CE. Currently we’re still working on the React migration / rework of the login and setup / and support new content types (think encrypted descriptions, notes, etc.) which all will be available in CE also. Best,

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Hi @remy it can be nice if we can generate a random password with these properties:

  • A defined number of random complete words with random capitalize and separate by random special characters

We started working on the specifications document here: WIP - Password Generator - Functional and Technical Specifications - Google Docs

This is how the interface is envision to look like:
Screenshot 2021-04-16 at 13.57.07


This generator option looks amazing. Perfect.
Hopefully a global ‘default’ setting can be implemented to set system-wide password generation.

Other nice, ‘wish list’ items would be the ability toggle the change button enable/disable through a global setting and for a password entry to record the last set password generation config.

This feature was shipped in version v3.3.0.

Checkout this blog article for an overview of the feature.