Auth key issue after fresh install (new installation)

Hello All,

I have login problem after new installation CE version of passbolt. I added screenshot of errors. Are there anybody know reasons of this issues?


Hey @dincos welcome to the forum!

This could be a couple different things, generally we’ll see this issue if there is a time sync issue of if SELinux is blocking it.

What distribution did you install on? Also, did you set up NTP?

Hello @clayton ,

Firstly, thank you so much for your answer. I did install it on AlmaLinux OS. And NTP server setting keeping default settings. I added timedatectl command output.

Is there any fix I might be able to make?


Hello @dincos, since NTP is active and you mentioned AlmaLinux, it could be related to SELinux.

You can try to run:

 setsebool -P httpd_use_gpg=on
 setsebool -P gpg_web_anon_write=on
 semanage permissive -a gpg_web_t

Hello @antony,

Thank you so much for help. That’s worked.

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