Does ce passbolt 4.9.1 have Groups and tags?

[x ] I have read intro post: About the Installation Issues category
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I describe the steps on how to reproduce the issue

VM is a Ubuntu server 24.04
Using latest passbolt version (4.9.1) CE

Status page: All green and two blues with exception of 3 orange listed below.
orange: Host availability checking is disabled
orange: Some email notifications are disabled by the administrators
orange: The SMTP Settings plugin endpoints are enabled

Step 7 in install where it auto does a lot of stuff did get hung. but install looks and feels functional. If i go to Role-Based Access i only see Admin and user Roles.

Does this version of CE Passbolt have groups management and tags?
Im a noob and not seeing them anywhere.

Found Groups, it was a User id10t Error and maybe rtfm read error

Still dont see Tags tho, but suspect its user error too.

OK for the next guy.

Groups are created in The “USER” panel very top of page.
Then Click the Blue “Create” button

That button will give the Option to Create a New User OR Create a new Group.

Select Create “New Group”

Then you can can go to Passwords and share a Password with that Group the same as you do with sharing with another user