Error when trying script

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hello, when i try to execute the script i have this error :

Error: Unknown short option `b`.
LDAP purge aborted due to configuration issues.

when i looking in the folder : * /usr/share/php/passbolt/bin/cake directory_sync purge_directory_reports* the option -b doesn’t exit
someone have pb like this ?

Hello @AntoineNG ,

Just to confirm, are you running the latest API version? I can see it using API 4.10.1

vagrant@debian12:~$ sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/php/passbolt/bin/cake directory_sync purge_directory_reports -h" www-data
Purge directory sync report entries

cake directory_sync purge_directory_reports -b [-h] [-q] [-v]


--before, -b   The date (format: dd-mm-yyyy) before the data will be
               purged. (required)
--help, -h     Display this help.
--quiet, -q    Enable quiet output.
--verbose, -v  Enable verbose output.

i’m on version 4.7.4, i think this is pb, i’ll update version of passbolt and tryout soon :slight_smile:

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