I’m really sorry - it’s me again
Currently i stuck at generation a gpg key
The error-message is:
The data entered are not correct: The OpenPGP public key cannot be used to encrypt.; The OpenPGP private key cannot be used to decrypt. Please note that passbolt does not support OpenPGP key protected with a secret.
Advances Settings are grey:
RSA and DSA with 2048 bit key.
Thanks again!
I guess you are stuck at the 2.3 step of the installation page: Passbolt Help | Using Passbolt pro virtual machine appliance
You can let the passbolt wizard create a key for you by filling a Server name and an email:
Generate yourself a GPG key is not mandatory. But if you still want create one, don’t set any expiration date or passphrase, as written in the doc:
Finally, you will find after the warning blog a code snippet to generate a gpg key without expiration date or passphrase.
This is what I wanted to do… then I got this error message.
As Chris is on evaluating Passbolt PRO, we made a quick call and the issue was date and time.
For those who will read this topic, you must ensure your server is synchronized with a NTP server, as written in the prerequisites:
In modern Linux distros, NTP is handled by systemd-timesyncd service and in service output, there was network timeouts while reaching NTP servers.
That’s why we also have this firewall FAQ page, with the list of needed ports to be opened.
Thanks for the call jc
in my case it was not time. something strange is goin on this installation step. refreshing page(F5) helps me btw.
This did the trick:
gpg --full-generate-key
Just in case, I wrote a memo on my personal blog about how to create gpg keys for passbolt: GPG Memo for passbolt | Linux and DevOps Stuff !