Group/Directory structures

Admin edit: DUPLICATE of

Q1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
It should be possible to organize password entries in groups / directories. If you have a lot of different servers with different services and passwords it will get confusing very fast. Being able to sort in a group/directory structure will keep everything clean and easy to find. 2017-12-13-115316_204x148_scrot|204x148

Q2 - Who is impacted?
Imho this would have a positive impact of all groups working with passbolt and more than just a small set of passwords.

Q3 - Why is it important and/or urgent?
Imho it is just a good practice to make sorting/structure functionality available.

You can already name your resources in a structured way, e.g.


and enter “shop” or “/shop/” in the search box. You can also sort by resource, which will group related entries together.

I think this works better than a rigid hierarchy. You can type “amazon” in the search box and get all matches at any level.

Sure, it is possible, but it does not look really nice, no “good” user experience.

But probably the directory like structuring could be introduced based on such a naming. So let’s say I create a resource like you suggested (e.g. /IT extern/Linux/server01/ssh/user2) and it will view as a tree.

This would mean 0 database maintenance, it would just be an optical feature.

See. As a logged in user I can organized my passwords using categories in the form of a folder tree

So let’s say I create a resource like you suggested (e.g. /IT extern/Linux/server01/ssh/user2) and it will view as a tree.

That’s what we had in mind too.