How to complete initial API auth steps using Postman?

Hi. I’ve a self-hosted Passbolt installation. Now, I’m trying to use the API manually (using Postman). The first thing I do it’s:

GET {{BaseUrl}}/auth/verify.json

And I get a fingerprint and a keydate (public key block) as a response. Then, I save this public key block as publickey.pem and try to use it to encrypt a random text saved in random-string.txt using this command:

# openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey publickey.pem -pubin -in random-string.txt -out random-string-encrypted.txt
unable to load Public Key

Like it’s possible to see, I get an error. Could you help me, please? Thanks.

@kevin maybe we could post that Google doc I was working on as a reference - I recall I used Postman for the steps. I could clean it up a bit for direct use if it may not still be headed for the blog. I would just need access to it again.

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@garrett Is that this one: Content for API Blog Article “Using Postman to get Familiar with Passbolt API” - Google Docs ?

@idsev89 you can also find example of authentication code in other projects such as:


@remy thanks that’s the one. I cleaned it up a bit and hope it helps. @idsev89 it is a walk through using Postman.


Thank you very much. I’ll check the doc and the links and I’ll try to run it. I’ll be back to say how it was. Thanks @garrett and @remy.

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Hi @garrett and @remy. I could use the API using your guide. It was very useful. Probably it would be very interesting to publish it on official documentation. Thank you very much.



Hi Remy,

Is it possible to share the Google Docs again? I am trying to do the validation server “men in the middle” but I am not able to get the token decrypted from the server.

Done. I thought this was published as a blog or on the help site.

Thanks for sharing the file. After checking your doc I can confirm I am doing the same steps but for some reason, the server keeps not replying the decrypted UUID.
How can I debug this? I have tried to see the logs on the passbolt server but they don’t say mutch.
Is there any setting that I should config in the passbolt server to enable this validation?