Max user count per group

Is there any user limit per user group in ?

I’m using a CE edition : 3.2.1
Currently I have 512 users in one group and it’s not allowing to add more users to same. when ever I tried to add new user, it will reach to 100% and stuck.
All the other groups are functioning normal.

Thank you :saluting_face:

Hey @roshanitsgh, welcome to the community forum!

Currently, there is no limit on the number of users in a group. However, since you’re using an older version, I can’t be certain how things worked back then, and you might also experience performance issues. I strongly encourage you to upgrade to the latest version for security reasons and to resolve any past bugs.

The documentation is quite comprehensive and should guide you if, for example, you need to deploy a new server: Migrate | Passbolt documentation..

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