PHP 7.3 / Debian Buster stable PHP version


It would be nice to support PHP7.3 as it is now the Debian stable version of PHP.



Hello @farfade,

Passbolt should already support PHP 7.3, the test suite already runs against it.

However, the debian installation script needs to be adapted to be compatible with Debian 10. It scheduled for the coming weeks, please bear with us.


Hello @cedric,

That’s perfect, thank you.

For information, I had passbolt already installed when I performed Debian upgrade from stretch to buster.
After the upgrade (and restart), passbolt complained about “json response undefined”.
I disabled php7.3 and enabled php7.0 and passbolt worked again.

Based on your message, I’ve just disabled php7.0 and enabled php7.3… and it works.

Curious, but thank you - the mysteries of upgrades…



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Hello @farfade,

Thank you for the follow-up.

Indeed, it looks like a cache mystery.
After upgrading php to a major version, the composer cache would probably need to be flushed.
composer dump-autoload in the passbolt folder. It has not been tested though


Debian 10 support is available with v3.