Synology NAS Docker - Installation OK but doesn't work

I have read intro post: About the Installation Issues category

I have read the tutorials, help and searched for similar issues

I provide relevant information about my server (component names and versions, etc.)
I run Passbolt in a Docker Container on a Synology NAS.
NAS : DS216 +II
Passbolt image : passbolt:4.0.2-1-ce-non-root (after this version, it’s based on debian 12 and the installation fails to generate gpg key as seen in this topic)

I provide a copy of my logs and healthcheck
My Passbolt container log : waiting for db:3306 without a timeout db:3306 is available after 62 seconds
  Your entropy pool is low. This situation could lead GnuPG to not
  be able to create the gpg serverkey so the container start process will hang
  until enough entropy is obtained.
  Please consider installing rng-tools and/or virtio-rng on your host as the
  preferred method to generate random numbers using a TRNG.
  If rngd (rng-tools) does not provide enough or fast enough randomness you could
  consider installing haveged as a helper to speed up this process.
  Using haveged as a replacement for rngd is not recommended. You can read more
  about this topic here:
gpg: keybox '/var/lib/passbolt/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /var/lib/passbolt/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 9649FAB6614B5X7A marked as ultimately trusted
gpg: directory '/var/lib/passbolt/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d' created
gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/var/lib/passbolt/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/4B9204FF6AA801B6D04FA4ZZ9649FAB6614B5X7A.rev'
gpg: key 9649FAB6614B5X7A: "Passbolt default user <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1
gpg: key 9649FAB6614B5X7A: "Passbolt default user <>" not changed
gpg: key 9649FAB6614B5X7A: secret key imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1
gpg:       secret keys read: 1
gpg:  secret keys unchanged: 1
Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/etc/passbolt/certs/certificate.key'
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
Installing passbolt
     ____                  __          ____  
    / __ \____  _____ ____/ /_  ____  / / /_ 
   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ / __/ 
  / ____/ /_/ (__  |__  ) /_/ / /_/ / / /    
 /_/    \__,_/____/____/_.___/\____/_/\__/   
 Open source password manager for teams
Running baseline checks, please wait...
Critical healthchecks are OK
Cleaning up existing tables if any.
0 tables dropped
Install the schema and default data.
using migration paths 
 - /etc/passbolt/Migrations
using seed paths 
using environment default
using adapter mysql
using database passbolt
ordering by creation time
 == 20170830064410 V162InitialMigration: migrating 
 == 20170830064410 V162InitialMigration: migrated 6.3828s
 == 20170830065037 V200ActiveMustBeBoolean: migrating 
 == 20170830065037 V200ActiveMustBeBoolean: migrated 1.9946s
 == 20170830065038 V200DropUnusedProfileFields: migrating 
 == 20170830065038 V200DropUnusedProfileFields: migrated 0.8146s
 == 20170830065039 V200IncreaseEmailSize: migrating 
 == 20170830065039 V200IncreaseEmailSize: migrated 0.9248s
 == 20170830065040 V200DropUnusedCreatedBy: migrating 
 == 20170830065040 V200DropUnusedCreatedBy: migrated 3.6962s
 == 20170830065041 V200MigrateUUID: migrating 
 == 20170830065041 V200MigrateUUID: migrated 12.2282s
 == 20170830065042 V200MigrateKeyField: migrating 
 == 20170830065042 V200MigrateKeyField: migrated 1.0376s
 == 20171002061834 V200DropUnusedResourceFields: migrating 
 == 20171002061834 V200DropUnusedResourceFields: migrated 0.6196s
 == 20171006141922 V200AddFavoriteModifiedField: migrating 
 == 20171006141922 V200AddFavoriteModifiedField: migrated 0.5578s
 == 20171009093000 V200DropUnusedPermissionTypesTable: migrating 
 == 20171009093000 V200DropUnusedPermissionTypesTable: migrated 0.0412s
 == 20171009093001 V200MigrateEmailsTable: migrating 
 == 20171009093001 V200MigrateEmailsTable: migrated 0.7582s
 == 20171009093002 V200MigrateFileStorageTable: migrating 
 == 20171009093002 V200MigrateFileStorageTable: migrated 0.6166s
 == 20171025154754 V200AddCommentsUserIdField: migrating 
 == 20171025154754 V200AddCommentsUserIdField: migrated 0.6498s
 == 20180102065042 V200MigrateForeignIdField: migrating 
 == 20180102065042 V200MigrateForeignIdField: migrated 1.2246s
 == 20180102180000 V200DropUnusedTables: migrating 
 == 20180102180000 V200DropUnusedTables: migrated 0.0382s
 == 20180102221500 V200AddMissingTablesIndexes: migrating 
 == 20180102221500 V200AddMissingTablesIndexes: migrated 0.0269s
 == 20180413171600 V202ForceColumnsCharset: migrating 
 == 20180413171600 V202ForceColumnsCharset: migrated 9.7452s
 == 20180503135810 V210InstallAccountSettingsPlugin: migrating 
 == 20180503135810 V210InstallAccountSettingsPlugin: migrated 0.4181s
 == 20180930151500 V240AddAuthenticationTokenType: migrating 
 == 20180930151500 V240AddAuthenticationTokenType: migrated 0.5994s
 == 20181002171600 V240ExtendAccountSettingsPlugin: migrating 
 == 20181002171600 V240ExtendAccountSettingsPlugin: migrated 0.9294s
 == 20181024124300 V250ChangeMfaAccountSettingsDataFormat: migrating 
 == 20181024124300 V250ChangeMfaAccountSettingsDataFormat: migrated 0.1019s
 == 20181210170000 V270AddMissingIndexes: migrating 
 == 20181210170000 V270AddMissingIndexes: migrated 3.6245s
 == 20190106170300 V280AdditionalEmailMigration: migrating 
 == 20190106170300 V280AdditionalEmailMigration: migrated 2.3047s
 == 20190106170301 V280AdditionalFileStorageMigration: migrating 
 == 20190106170301 V280AdditionalFileStorageMigration: migrated 1.6829s
 == 20190106170302 V280FileDirectoryPathsMigrations: migrating 
 == 20190106170302 V280FileDirectoryPathsMigrations: migrated 0.0776s
 == 20190112124290 V270AddActionsTable: migrating 
 == 20190112124290 V270AddActionsTable: migrated 0.4419s
 == 20190112124300 V270AddActionLogsTable: migrating 
 == 20190112124300 V270AddActionLogsTable: migrated 0.4130s
 == 20190121111100 V270AddEntitiesHistoryTable: migrating 
 == 20190121111100 V270AddEntitiesHistoryTable: migrated 0.4000s
 == 20190121121100 V270AddPermissionsHistoryTable: migrating 
 == 20190121121100 V270AddPermissionsHistoryTable: migrated 0.8244s
 == 20190211124300 V270AddSecretsHistoryTable: migrating 
 == 20190211124300 V270AddSecretsHistoryTable: migrated 0.6858s
 == 20190221124300 V270AddSecretAccessesTable: migrating 
 == 20190221124300 V270AddSecretAccessesTable: migrated 0.4499s
 == 20190512115400 V2100AddOrganizationSettingsTable: migrating 
 == 20190512115400 V2100AddOrganizationSettingsTable: migrated 0.6082s
 == 20190623143400 V2110ExtendKeyIdSizeField: migrating 
 == 20190623143400 V2110ExtendKeyIdSizeField: migrated 0.6080s
 == 20190923103000 V2120UpdateEmailQueue: migrating 
 == 20190923103000 V2120UpdateEmailQueue: migrated 0.7828s
 == 20191119092944 V2130AddFoldersTable: migrating 
 == 20191119092944 V2130AddFoldersTable: migrated 0.4250s
 == 20191119092945 V2130AddFoldersHistoryTable: migrating 
 == 20191119092945 V2130AddFoldersHistoryTable: migrated 0.3996s
 == 20191119160000 V2120DropUnusedTables: migrating 
 == 20191119160000 V2120DropUnusedTables: migrated 1.0470s
 == 20191216092944 V2130AddFoldersRelationsTable: migrating 
 == 20191216092944 V2130AddFoldersRelationsTable: migrated 0.8023s
 == 20191216092945 V2130AddFoldersRelationsHistoryTable: migrating 
 == 20191216092945 V2130AddFoldersRelationsHistoryTable: migrated 0.3303s
 == 20200108135000 V2130DropLegacyAnonymousUser: migrating 
 == 20200108135000 V2130DropLegacyAnonymousUser: migrated 0.0360s
 == 20200205135000 V2130AddResourcesFoldersRelations: migrating 
 == 20200205135000 V2130AddResourcesFoldersRelations: migrated 0.3609s
 == 20200319135000 V2130SoftDeleteGpgKeysForSoftDeletedUsers: migrating 
 == 20200319135000 V2130SoftDeleteGpgKeysForSoftDeletedUsers: migrated 0.0798s
 == 20200501182000 V2130ReconcileLoginHistory: migrating 
 == 20200501182000 V2130ReconcileLoginHistory: migrated 0.0385s
 == 20200609192000 V2130AddMissingFoldersIndexes: migrating 
 == 20200609192000 V2130AddMissingFoldersIndexes: migrated 2.0690s
 == 20200806110200 V300ExtendSecretsDataField: migrating 
 == 20200806110200 V300ExtendSecretsDataField: migrated 1.0644s
 == 20200806110201 V300AddResourceTypeIdField: migrating 
 == 20200806110201 V300AddResourceTypeIdField: migrated 1.4518s
 == 20200806110202 V300AddResourceTypesTable: migrating 
 == 20200806110202 V300AddResourceTypesTable: migrated 0.6169s
 == 20200806110203 V300AddResourceTypesDefaultData: migrating 
 == 20200806110203 V300AddResourceTypesDefaultData: migrated 0.2461s
 == 20200806110204 V300AddResourceTypesToResources: migrating 
 == 20200806110204 V300AddResourceTypesToResources: migrated 0.0350s
 == 20200824191900 V2136CleanupUnusedActionLogs: migrating 
 == 20200824191900 V2136CleanupUnusedActionLogs: migrated 0.0385s
 == 20200824191901 V2136AddActionLogsRelatedIndexes: migrating 
 == 20200824191901 V2136AddActionLogsRelatedIndexes: migrated 3.8452s
 == 20201221093528 V300DeleteMetadataOfSoftDeletedResources: migrating 
 == 20201221093528 V300DeleteMetadataOfSoftDeletedResources: migrated 0.0383s
 == 20210111163200 V300AddActionLogsExtraIndex: migrating 
 == 20210111163200 V300AddActionLogsExtraIndex: migrated 1.0198s
 == 20210121141742 V320AddAvatarsTable: migrating 
 == 20210121141742 V320AddAvatarsTable: migrated 0.4002s
 == 20210125212543 V320TransferFileStorageToAvatars: migrating 
 == 20210125212543 V320TransferFileStorageToAvatars: migrated 0.0748s
 == 20210206521254 V320DropFileStorage: migrating 
 == 20210206521254 V320DropFileStorage: migrated 0.3325s
 == 20210329110000 V320FixResourceTypesDefaultData: migrating 
 == 20210329110000 V320FixResourceTypesDefaultData: migrated 0.0327s
 == 20210427124200 V330AddMobileTransferTable: migrating 
 == 20210427124200 V330AddMobileTransferTable: migrated 0.7840s
 == 20211027202137 V331ConvertEmailVariablesToJson: migrating 
 == 20211027202137 V331ConvertEmailVariablesToJson: migrated 0.1536s
 == 20211121231000 V3120MigrateASCIIFieldsEncodingFolders: migrating 
 == 20211121231000 V3120MigrateASCIIFieldsEncodingFolders: migrated 3.7946s
 == 20211121231300 V340MigrateASCIIFieldsEncoding: migrating 
 == 20211121231300 V340MigrateASCIIFieldsEncoding: migrated 25.9357s
 == 20211121232400 V340AddFoldersRelationsExtraIndexes: migrating 
 == 20211121232400 V340AddFoldersRelationsExtraIndexes: migrated 1.1367s
 == 20211122732400 V350ConvertIdFieldsToUuidFields: migrating 
 == 20211122732400 V350ConvertIdFieldsToUuidFields: migrated 1.3573s
 == 20211215180000 V350RemovePermissionsTypeIndex: migrating 
 == 20211215180000 V350RemovePermissionsTypeIndex: migrated 0.6304s
 == 20211215180001 V350AddPermissionsCombinedIndex: migrating 
 == 20211215180001 V350AddPermissionsCombinedIndex: migrated 0.6694s
 == 20220103180000 V350IncreaseResourcesNameUsernameColumnsSize: migrating 
 == 20220103180000 V350IncreaseResourcesNameUsernameColumnsSize: migrated 1.3215s
 == 20220103180001 V350IncreaseResourcesNameUsernameLengthInResourceTypes: migrating 
 == 20220103180001 V350IncreaseResourcesNameUsernameLengthInResourceTypes: migrated 0.0690s
 == 20220405232411 V360RemoveAuthLoginLoginGetActionFromLogs: migrating 
 == 20220405232411 V360RemoveAuthLoginLoginGetActionFromLogs: migrated 0.1252s
 == 20220405234003 V360RemoveAuthCheckSessionCheckSessionGetFromLogs: migrating 
 == 20220405234003 V360RemoveAuthCheckSessionCheckSessionGetFromLogs: migrated 0.0716s
 == 20220405234359 V360RemoveAuthIsAuthenticatedIsAuthenticatedFromLogs: migrating 
 == 20220405234359 V360RemoveAuthIsAuthenticatedIsAuthenticatedFromLogs: migrated 0.0357s
 == 20220802151030 V380AlterNameAndSlugOnResourceTypes: migrating 
 == 20220802151030 V380AlterNameAndSlugOnResourceTypes: migrated 1.2719s
 == 20220802151740 V380TrimSpacesOnResourceTypesNameAndSlug: migrating 
 == 20220802151740 V380TrimSpacesOnResourceTypesNameAndSlug: migrated 0.0779s
 == 20220809190030 V372ImproveFoldersRelationsIndexesAddItemsToUserTreePerformance: migrating 
 == 20220809190030 V372ImproveFoldersRelationsIndexesAddItemsToUserTreePerformance: migrated 1.9919s
 == 20220824081645 V380AlterNameLengthOnFolders: migrating 
 == 20220824081645 V380AlterNameLengthOnFolders: migrated 0.9794s
 == 20220913233909 V380SaveSmtpSettingsInDb: migrating 
2024-03-12 16:48:23 info: SMTP Settings were detected in env.
 == 20220913233909 V380SaveSmtpSettingsInDb: migrated 0.1025s
 == 20220915150002 V380AlterNameLengthOnFoldersHistory: migrating 
 == 20220915150002 V380AlterNameLengthOnFoldersHistory: migrated 1.2333s
 == 20220922082044 V380SaveMfaOrganizationSettingsInDb: migrating 
 == 20220922082044 V380SaveMfaOrganizationSettingsInDb: migrated 0.1580s
 == 20230202094451 V3110SaveMfaOrganizationSettingsInDbInDuoV4Format: migrating 
 == 20230202094451 V3110SaveMfaOrganizationSettingsInDbInDuoV4Format: migrated 0.0405s
 == 20230308124720 V3120DropActionLogsDuplicateIndexes: migrating 
 == 20230308124720 V3120DropActionLogsDuplicateIndexes: migrated 0.7409s
 == 20230414124720 V3122DeleteDescriptionForResourceOfTypePasswordAndDescription: migrating 
 == 20230414124720 V3122DeleteDescriptionForResourceOfTypePasswordAndDescription: migrated 0.0627s
 == 20230418103007 V400AddTotpResourceTypes: migrating 
 == 20230418103007 V400AddTotpResourceTypes: migrated 0.0352s
All Done. Took 113.9718s
Import the server private key in the keyring
Importing /etc/passbolt/gpg/serverkey_private.asc
Keyring init OK
Passbolt installation success! Enjoy! ☮
Enjoy! ☮
2024-03-12 16:48:26,706 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/cron.conf" during parsing
2024-03-12 16:48:26,706 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/nginx.conf" during parsing
2024-03-12 16:48:26,706 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/php.conf" during parsing
2024-03-12 16:48:26,727 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2024-03-12 16:48:26,727 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2024-03-12 16:48:26,728 CRIT could not write pidfile /var/run/
2024-03-12 16:48:27,732 INFO spawned: 'php-fpm' with pid 373
2024-03-12 16:48:27,736 INFO spawned: 'nginx' with pid 374
2024-03-12 16:48:27,740 INFO spawned: 'cron' with pid 375
time="2024-03-12T16:48:27Z" level=info msg="read crontab: /etc/cron.d/passbolt-ce-server"
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: [pool www] 'user' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: [pool www] 'user' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: [pool www] 'group' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: [pool www] 'group' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 373
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[12-Mar-2024 16:48:27] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
2024-03-12 16:48:28,957 INFO success: php-fpm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-12 16:48:28,958 INFO success: nginx entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-12 16:48:28,958 INFO success: cron entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
time="2024-03-12T16:49:00Z" level=info msg=starting iteration=0 job.command="$PASSBOLT_BASE_DIR/bin/cron > $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron.log 2> $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron-error.log" job.position=0 job.schedule="* * * * *"
time="2024-03-12T16:49:00Z" level=info msg="job succeeded" iteration=0 job.command="$PASSBOLT_BASE_DIR/bin/cron > $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron.log 2> $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron-error.log" job.position=0 job.schedule="* * * * *"
time="2024-03-12T16:50:00Z" level=info msg=starting iteration=1 job.command="$PASSBOLT_BASE_DIR/bin/cron > $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron.log 2> $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron-error.log" job.position=0 job.schedule="* * * * *"
time="2024-03-12T16:50:32Z" level=info msg="job succeeded" iteration=1 job.command="$PASSBOLT_BASE_DIR/bin/cron > $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron.log 2> $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron-error.log" job.position=0 job.schedule="* * * * *"
time="2024-03-12T16:51:00Z" level=info msg=starting iteration=2 job.command="$PASSBOLT_BASE_DIR/bin/cron > $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron.log 2> $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron-error.log" job.position=0 job.schedule="* * * * *"
time="2024-03-12T16:51:31Z" level=info msg="job succeeded" iteration=2 job.command="$PASSBOLT_BASE_DIR/bin/cron > $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron.log 2> $PASSBOLT_LOG_DIR/cron-error.log" job.position=0 job.schedule="* * * * *"

the last lanes are generated every minute… same thing.

I describe the steps I have taken to trouble shoot the problem

I’ve followed this tutorial (I know it’s not the official one, but many people have followed this one to install Passbolt on a synology NAS and it seemed to work properly)

Once the containers online, I’ve ran the following command to create my first admin user :

www-data@passbolt:/usr/share/php/passbolt$ ./bin/cake passbolt register_user -u -f myName -l myUsername -r admin

     ____                  __          ____  
    / __ \____  _____ ____/ /_  ____  / / /_ 
   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ / __/ 
  / ____/ /_/ (__  |__  ) /_/ / /_/ / / /    
 /_/    \__,_/____/____/_.___/\____/_/\__/   

 Open source password manager for teams
User saved successfully.
To start registration follow the link provided in your mailbox or here:

It says it worked… but impossible for me to reach the page (I’ve made the redirection to my NAS using my usual DNS service)… I’ve made the reverse proxy rule etc.
I juste got an error : ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
I’m pretty sure I’ve done it good because I have other services running on this NAS and they are fully reachable from the internet.
And even when I try to reach the page using https://myNasLanIpAdress:9475 instead of “”, it doesn’t work.

Can’t receive the email neither… when I try to make a test email it says SMTP timeout… I’ll try to resolve this later.

I juste gave up and installed it on a fresh ubuntu server…
Synology NAS Docker is giving me too much troobles with services…