Which TLS version is used (for mail)

In Administration/Email server/Settings you can activate the usage of TLS. Which version of TLS is used exactly?

I need that information because Twilio SendGrid will be deprecating its support for TLS Versions 1.0 and 1.1. After April 20, 2023, any mail sent using these TLS versions will fail to send.

We use Passbolt version 3.9.0 (passbolt/passbolt:3.9.0-2-ce-non-root)

Hi @vi_batj Welcome to the forum!

I have required TLSv1.2 and higher on my mail server for years now and have no issues with passbolt. You should be fine as-is for SMTP.

PHP7.4 was the first version to support TLSv1.3 and the handshake with the mail server establishes which version is used. There would be a problem for apps that do not support TLSv1.2. Passbolt has modern dependencies so there shouldn’t be any issues.

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@garrett Thanks a lot for your assessment!

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