Hello, if I use the CE version, can I switch to the PRO version at any time on my used CE or do I have to set up the system again and migrate passwords?
Hello, if I use the CE version, can I switch to the PRO version at any time on my used CE or do I have to set up the system again and migrate passwords?
Hello again @sparco84, thanks for your interesting question.
We have dedicated documentations for this process. You do not need to “migrate” the passwords since you are not re-configuring a new database but you’ll use the same. A migration have to be done as mentioned as well.
Also, it’s good to know that migrating from CE to PRO means that you should have a PRO subscription so if you run into any issues while migrating, you can reach the PRO support any time.
Great, well described process. What if I switch to the PRO version and after two months I want to return to the CE version? Is this possible?
Yes this is definitely possible, I just tried it.
There is some steps that you need to adapt while following the documentation.
sudo apt remove passbolt-pro-server
insteadwget "https://download.passbolt.com/ce/installer/passbolt-repo-setup.ce.sh"
insteadwget https://github.com/passbolt/passbolt-dep-scripts/releases/latest/download/passbolt-ce-SHA512SUM.txt
insteadsha512sum -c passbolt-ce-SHA512SUM.txt && sudo bash ./passbolt-repo-setup.ce.sh --passbolt-migrate || echo "Bad checksum. Aborting" && rm -f passbolt-repo-setup.ce.sh
insteadsudo apt install passbolt-ce-server
insteadWe may consider adding this documentation in the future, we will discuss it internally.
Thank You again antony.
We will testing passbolt CE