Hello. I have installed the Passbolt application on my centos 7 based server. I have a problem in the e-mail smtp part during the installation phase. I use outlook.com as e-mail. In the test mail sending part
“Email could not be sent: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tcp://smtp-mail.outlook.com.:587 (Permission denied)”
I am encountering the error. What’s the problem?
Hi @ysnsolak
and welcome to passbolt community forum 
I guess you have a SELinux issue
Can you execute this command and give us its output ?
sudo audit2allow -a
Best regards,
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#!!! This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans:
#httpd_can_network_connect, httpd_can_sendmail, nis_enabled
allow httpd_t smtp_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect;
It seems this rule is missing in our passbolt-selinux package:
We will publish an updated package with a fix. In the meantime, can you temporary disable selinux ?
You can open /etc/selinux/config and set SELINUX=permissive
It will let you use your smtp provider. I will keep you posted when the update will be available.
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hello. I did the steps you said, but my problem still persists. If I install another linux-based server instead of Centos, I wonder if the problem will be fixed? ( Ubuntu, Debian, Oracle ).
Did you reboot your server after the selinux configuration file modification?
You can see current selinux status with the command sestatus
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Hi there
After _jc restart, my problem is solved, now I have installed and using the passbolt application without problems. Thank you for your help. Good work. 
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Thank you for the feedback. I will keep you posted when our passbolt-selinux package will be updated with the fix. So you will be able to use your SMTP provider with selinux enabled.
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