Error while sending email notification

Found error in UI while any password manipulations which sending email.
CentOs7.6 Passbolt 2.10

Passbolt check has no errors.
Cake mail test done ok.

Error in error.log:
Error: [Error] Class ‘Passbolt\EmailNotificationSettings\Utility\EmailNotificationSettings’ not found
Request URL: /resources/55c01c86-e7cc-455f-b490-30069d6c32c8.json?api-version=v2

Any idea?

Hello @dmalchikov,

Can you run composer install in your passbolt directory on the server.
I suspect autoloader didn’t get rebuild correctly in your case.

Thanks for idea!
That was a little different…
First I need to run php composer-setup.php
and second run php composer.phar install
Now it works.


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