How do I create a group of users on passbolt? and is there a way to categorize different kinds of passwords?
How do I create a group of users on passbolt?
To create a group you need to be an administrator. You need to go to the “users” workspace, and click on “create”. You will see a dropdown to create a user or a group. From there you can add people to groups. You will need to appoint one or more group managers. These group managers are the ones who can add / remove users to / from this newly created group. You can then access passwords by groups in the password workspace.
Is there a way to categorize different kinds of passwords?
In passbolt pro edition you can use tags to categorise passwords. One password can belong to any number of tags. There is an option for shared tags (e.g. tags starting with # will be visible to everybody who has access to the password) or tags that will only be seen by you. This feature will be made available in the community edition in the coming months.
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