Manage group that not contain any user


What can i do with a group that are not contain any user?
With an admin user can see group members, but cant add others, because the admin user are not a group manager.


Hi @somogyi,

Only a group manager can add / remove users from a given group, even if you are passbolt admin.
From the users workspace, if you click on a group, you should be able to see its members with an admin right.

Hope this helps,

Hi @AnatomicJC,

We made changes with some user (delete, reactivate). After that some groups are empty. Can we manage this situation somehow, like in the database or any method?

Thank you!



Did you deleted your users directly on your database ? It is not recommended as passbolt API take care of always have at least one manager for a group.

The only way I think is to delete then re-create the group. Are you able to do it from the web interface ?

