New Release: v4.6.0 ~ Purple Haze

v4.6.0 ~ Purple Haze

Release date: March 14, 2024.

:musical_note: Purple Haze :musical_note:

The Pro 4.6.0 release “Purple Haze”, brings a new SSO provider and improves the administrative aspects and overall system health. A major addition in this release is the Beta implementation of SSO AD FS (Active Directory Federation Services), enabling streamlined single sign-on capabilities for improved user access management.

The CE 4.6.0 release introduces the Health Check feature within the Admin workspace, designed to offer administrators a comprehensive tool for system assessment and upkeep.

In addition, this version addresses a range of minor bugs and delivers the awaited PHP 8.3 support.

:tv: Release Video Pro & CE
:memo: Release Notes: Pro
:memo: Release Notes: CE

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Nice work! I saw the health check on the administration page and it looks amazing!


For those who enjoy a more visual approach, we’ve also prepared a video covering this release. Feel free to explore here: