Q1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Currently only the windows desktop application is under active development. See. Windows Application developer edition v0.1 🚀
Q2 - Who is impacted?
While windows corresponds to 70% of the passbolt user base according to the extension webstore, there is still around 20% (Mac) and 10% (Linux), that will not have possibility to access the desktop app.
Q3 - Why is it important and/or urgent?
Serving all users, especially the ones running on FOSS operating system would be a good thing, for adoption purpose.
Q4 - What is your proposed solution? (optional)
Either port the windows application or develop new version(s) for Macos and Linux.
Q5. Community support
People can vote for this idea to show traction:
Must have: this is critical for me to have this
Should have: this is important for me to have this
Could have: this could be nice to have
Won’t have: we should not schedule this (explain why)
To solve the Cross-Compatibility issues I suggest using a framework like Tauri (https://tauri.app/) which is akin to ElectronJS. Since the Passbolt interface is already web-based that would make it the logic step.
Teams with Mac, Windows, and Linux users, all need one safe place for passwords.
This will helps cross platforms team, to choose passbolt.
Additionaly DesktopApp will bring some potential features (not just displaying passwords)
- Vault in the App
- Autofill in heavy applications.
- Biometry with platform natives features
Desktop App is a top forum request, showing many users search for this.
I am still looking on a solution for my team.
Hello, @ralph.r and welcome to the forum! There is a testing version of the app that you can download in the Microsoft Store. Here is the last announcement:
I got passbolt installed this morning and im honestly surprised by how well it works. Although i am missing a desktop client, as i am using Linux (ubuntu based system) and custom input fields.
Hoping this is something that’ll end up on the roadmap soon enough.
It is too bad that the windows desktop application is an windows msix store package, wine cannot run this so it is also not posible to use the windows version on linux
Personally I wouldn’t want to run this under wine from security perspective. It’s better for the app to run natively under Linux and MacOS. For cross platform compatibility they would have to re-write the Windows app so it’ll be the same for all platforms. This is probably what is holding up development due to limited resources.
For now I’m happy that the brower plug-in works under Linux.