I purchased and installed passbolt. When my developers share with me a very large folder of passwords it does not load in my account. The folders are empty. This has happened many times. Can you guys look into this?
@weismannweb If you can send to support@passbolt.com in the next 30 minutes with some details I will personally handle your ticket. Include a screenshot and any errors in logs, with explanation of process you were following, thanks.
ive never gotten the log before, can you tell me where on the server it is?
What version did you install? Docker? Debian package? Are you on the cloud service?
is there a command i can run to tell that?
i asked my server admin to find out but thought i would ask the above question in advance.
do you have a help doc on debugging? providing logs? providing a health check? I saw a health check mentioned but the link in the pinned forum post does not go anywhere.
I’m sorry you are having trouble with the product - we would like to help you get it fixed. We are at the end of the business week support hours on the Pro channel (this is just the community site but the offices are closed). If you installed passbolt, maybe you could tell me what instructions you followed. If you didn’t install it but someone else on your team did, we could ask them to write in to support@passbolt.com and get the help process started. If there was no installation process, maybe you are using our cloud hosting service?
we did install it on centos but im not sure if we used docker, i will try and send you the logs to support@ asap, if it goes to monday i can deal with it, other then being impatient i have no real need to get it done sooner
The symptom you are describing sounds unusual. Is this happening only to you or to others on the team as well?
Two people so far but it is the top folder with sub folders and maybe over 1000 passwords
You could look for logs in /var/log/passbolt
if it’s not Docker. If that’s not there we should probably get more details about the installation and start Monday on a fix for you.
I might be able to debug if its an OOM or resources issue (considering it had to encrypt 1000 passes at once) if i had a help doc on how to find the logs for each install type. Also common debugging help.
ok sounds good ill look now, i probably did not do docket cause i dont like docker and how it limits your access
@weismannweb Try /var/www/passbolt/logs
for Centos install - if that’s correct, let’s send in the contents to support@passbolt.com along with a brief description of when this problem occurs. This will provide you the most resources soonest.
ok sent, but im checking the other log location and will update by email if we find a more proper log, i think the log we sent was the os log, anyway is it possible i could have gotten logged out or the user got logged out during a long share process?
Yes user log out can occur due to time or inactivity from a browser standpoint. Thanks for sending that in. Have a good weekend.
I just sent an update to the support email. It happened again but this time i can verify the user was still logged in after he got the error and refreshed the page. Also as an aside would a entropy of 1024 be causing this or any other issues?