Button "send test email" unclickable

Hi fellas, didi you got this already?
the buton to test smtp server is disable like, missing something…
i am unable to login on my account on other browsers, because, passbolt only sent email auth once a time.

i am getting an issue with smtp autentications

first email send (after installation) works and i have access trough firefox browser extention.
and i am able to login by firefox.

when i tried to make the same on chrome, when it ask the email, email not comes…

smtp test is disable
emails not comes

passbolt 3.8.3
almalinux 9

I found more news…

after changing the email, the button to save and test become available.
so i change the email and press to test and pass, email came.

but when i try to authenticate on browser, no success…
sending to same email used on test

when i test by ssh using
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c “/usr/share/php/passbolt/bin/cake passbolt send_test_email --myemail@gmail.com

i got this error:
sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit
but the test inside of app, wtill works

Hey @brazzuca have you taken a look at the help page for common reasons emails aren’t sending? If the test email is sending but the others aren’t you might not have the cronjob running.

Hi clayton, thank you for the tip

when i run → sudo systemctl status crond.service
i got

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-01-10 18:23:59 -03; 15h ago
   Main PID: 1286 (crond)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 11067)
     Memory: 1.8M
        CPU: 961ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
             └─1286 /usr/sbin/crond -n

Jan 11 09:57:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 09:58:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 09:59:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 10:00:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 10:01:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 10:01:01 admin.passbolt.com CROND[40029]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
Jan 11 10:02:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 10:03:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 10:04:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)
Jan 11 10:05:01 admin.passbolt.com crond[1286]: (www-data) ERROR (getpwnam() failed - user unknown)

do you know how to solve this?
thanks again

Does this help? shell - "getpwnam() failed" in /bin/sh only when called from cron - Stack Overflow

Regarding cron file in cron.d folder and the user flag.

Hi yes, thanks.

i edited this file
vi /etc/cron.d/passbolt-ce-server

remove the “www-data” and replace to “root”, saved the file
than restarted the service

sudo systemctl restart crond.service

Now cron is working, and sending emails

thank you again


Hi @brazzuca,

Did you installed passbolt with the package (dnf install passbolt-ce-server)?

If yes, you shouldn’t have www-data user in the cron job as this user doesn’t exist in almalinux.
Using root is a bad idea as you will introduce mess in your passbolt cache folder.

You should use nginx user and clear passbolt cache:

sudo -H -u nginx bash -c “/usr/share/php/passbolt/bin/cake passbolt cache clear_all"
