Can't view passwords on Mobile (without apps)

Can’t view any passwords on Android in Chrome or Firefox. I find it hard to believe that you need a browser plugin for read access to your passwords. I can understand the need for creating new passwords.

Thing is the firefox plugin installed and still won’t access my self hosted passbolt.

Hi @mmance the rationale behind having a browser extension/add-on is separate from the current state of it not working on mobile browsers, which I was also disappointed to learn when I first discovered it.

Passbolt addresses security risks other password app security models may not. By using extensions the server is no longer the primary point of risk for data breach.

A native app is in the works for mobile users. This is the direction we can anticipate for the future on mobile, versus a mobile extension.

Hope that helps.

I don’t understand most of what you wrote. I am under the impressing that passbolt is 100% useless right now on a mobile device. So I am back to playing with keepass files on my mobile.

The reason they give for requiring this extension is for password generation. I am saying all I want to be able to do is use my passwords on my mobile. Not having to cut and paste my passwords into a qrcode and then scan it with a barcode app with my camera.

Last you say that a native app is in the works, but the roadmap on passbolt’s website shows mobile as being backlogged and not being worked on.

@mmance Regarding the use of extensions, I’m saying the mission of Passbolt is password sharing for teams. That’s different than KeePass

Regarding mobile use, I’m in the same boat… KeePass for now, unless you want to develop an app of your own using the API.

And sometimes I hear things, and sometimes the website isn’t 100% accurate.

I am confused as to if you are a representative of passbolt.
Are you a employee of passbolt?

@mmance No, no… This is the Community Forum. Just a member of the community that actively participates in the forum, in addition to being a user.

Welcome to the forum!

Founders will have shields by their names.

@garrett Thank you for your answers.

@mmance for now the passbolt extension is not compatible with the mobile version of Chrome and Firefox. However a mobile application is on our roadmap and is planned for this year.

Hi, is the passbolt extension in the meantime compatible with the mobile version of Chrome and Firefox? (Android)

Hello, the Passbolt extension only works in PC browsers.
For mobile, you will need the Passbolt app available at the Play Store or App Store

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For browser:

For mobile:


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