I installed Passbolt on a server and created a self signed certificate as per instruction, but both Firefox and Chrome browsers , however, refuse to accept it, even after adding the certificate to the system certificate store under Trusted Roots. Even though the certificate is listed as correctly installed when I click “View certificate information” in Chrome’s HTTPS popup, it still insists the certificate cannot be trusted.
Hello @Kevin.siahmard Maybe the issue with the certificate is not the signature but that some fields are empty or invalid? I’m not sure we can be of help since this is not really a passbolt problem, maybe you will find more help there: https://serverfault.com/
@Kevin.siahmard 'm running a server with a internal CA-signed certificate.
For Chrome on Windows, we needed to add the CA cert (in your case, the self signed cert) to Windows’s “Trusted CA Certificates” tab in Internet Options for it to be trusted
Firefox on Windows uses its own certificate store, and you need to add your cert through Firefox’s settings area.
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