Error: SMTP Error: 502 Command not implemented

I have previously implemented Passbolt with Google Workspace, where there are no major issues if by SMTP Relay.
Now, I am doing a new implementation with Office 365, but the platform gives me the following error.

“cmd”: null,
“response”: [
“code”: “220”,
“message”: “ ESMTP Service ready”
“cmd”: “EHLO”,
“response”: [
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “Requested mail action okay, completed”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “SIZE 20000000”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “8BITMIME”
“code”: “250”,
“message”: “OK”

Doing a test directly on the Ubuntu server, I get the Error: SMTP Error: 502 Command not implemented.

The installation was done with php 8.1 and all services are active.

I have tested both with and without TLS, with a licensed account. Also with the accounts application password, and still the same error.